Enrich, Inspire, Transform
Community Resources and Services for Newcomers
  • Information sessions brought to you in collaboration with Catholic Community Services of York Region and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. Please pre-register at cel@ccsyr.org



  • 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM
    1. Hearing Session(关注健康听力讲座)
    Detail: How Does the Ear Work & What Causes Hearing Loss ? 耳朵的工作原理及导致听力损失的原因
    Tips on how to protect your ears. Styles/Types of Hearing Aids, & How to Buy a Hearing Aid. 如何爱耳护耳. 助听器的款式/类型及如何购买助听器
    Date time: September 24th, 10:30 am -12 pm

    2. Free Hearing Clinic by the Hearing Care Counsellor (免费听力诊所)
    Detail: Book Your Free Senior Hearing Test at the Library! Spots are limited, booking will close once capacity is reached. (预约您在图书馆的长者免费听力测试!名额有限,报满自动截止。)
    Date time: October 22, 10:30 am - 3:30 pm
    Free Hearing Clinic by the Hearing Care Counsellor (免费听力诊所) Detail: Book Your Free Senior Hearing Test at the Library! Spots are limited, booking will close once capacity is reached. (预约您在图书馆的长者免费听力测试!名额有限,报满自动截止。)

See also:

Tech Tutor 1-on-1

Sun Sep 1 During Library Hours
PL   Contact

ESL Café

Tue Sep 3 6:00 PM
VMC   Contact

Tech Tutor 1-on-1

Wed Sep 4 6:00 PM
CCRL   Contact

Virtual French Meetup for Adults / Cercle de discussion

Wed Sep 4 7:00 PM

Tech Tutor 1-on-1

Thu Sep 5 5:00 PM
PBRL   Contact