Vaughan Public Libraries is dedicated to supporting our growing community. Our libraries provide access to materials that reflect the residents of Vaughan. Below is a collection of information and resources that may be helpful to newcomers.
Our libraries carry a large selection of materials to help you learn the English language. These materials include books, audiobooks, DVDs, and multimedia kits.
Our libraries carry materials in a variety of languages. Here are the languages represented in our collection.
If you require assistance, you may contact us using a method you prefer. Our diverse staff can communicate in a variety of languages. We also have access to third party language interpretation for over 200 languages over the phone, provided by Language Line Services.
Below are useful links on different topics that may help newcomers. There are organizations that may help with looking for a job, finding health care, settling into a new home, and more.
中文社交活动: 用中文聊天, 谈论书籍, 国家时事, 以及在加拿大的生活