Enrich, Inspire, Transform
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Missing from Fire Trail Road / Filmrise (Firm)

A riveting documentary detailing the case of Mary Ellen Johnson-Davis, a Native American woman who disappeared in 2020. Her story exposes how Indigenous women continue to go missing in the USA, perpetuating trans-generational trauma on reservations.

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I could never go vegan / Kino Lorber, Inc.

Tom Pickering has never eaten meat and believes he's been doing right by the animals, his own health, and more recently the planet. Despite this, he still can't go a day without hearing from others why they could never go vegan. So, Tom sets out to investigate the many reasons he's heard over the years, and see if they're unjustified, or whether his upbringing was one big plant-based con.

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Much ado about dying / First-Run Features (Firm)

When the filmmaker Simon Chambers receives a call from his elderly gay uncle "I think I may be dying!" he takes it as a summons. As it turns out, eccentric Uncle David, a retired actor living alone in a cluttered, mouse-infested London house, is being dramatic, sort of: For the next five years, Chambers both cares for and documents him, through all his performative exuberance (constantly acting out passages of King Lear) and anarchic charisma (swinging from boisterous humor to short temper), as various people (including a sexy young hustler) possibly take advantage of him. As their lives become encumbered by hospital visits, a house fire, and Britain's inadequate eldercare system, the younger man (also single and queer) reflects with aching honesty on what may await him in the years to come, in this moving yet hilarious film.

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Food, Inc. 2 / Kenner, Robert
Food, Incorporated.
Robert Kenner and Melissa Robledo team up with authors Michael Pollan and Eric Schlosser to examine the modern food industry's efficiency and vulnerabilities.

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Geoff McFetridge : drawing a life / Coppola, Sofia
Drawing a life
Geoff McFetridge: Drawing a Life is a poetic and intimate look into the life and work of one of the most visionary artists of his time, while also exploring the universal questions of what makes a fulfilling life.

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Bad actor : a Hollywood Ponzi scheme / Decal (Firm)
Hollywood Ponzi scheme
Wannabe actor Zachary Horwitz moved to Los Angeles desperate to make it big as a movie star, but there was one thing stopping him: talent. Capitalizing on the dreams of others like himself seeking quick fame and fortune, Horwitz then launched what would become one of the biggest Ponzi schemes in American history. Through revelatory interviews with his victims and biting use of footage from his failed acting career, BAD ACTOR takes up the juicy true story of Horwitz' rise and fall to articulate much deeper truths about the unexpected power of deception and denial.

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Dracula's hidden kingdom / Irons, Jeremy
Discover the wildlife and wild places of one of the world's most iconic locations - Transylvania; a mystical land beyond the Romanian forests hiding some of Europe's last true wilderness regions. Its soaring Carpathian Mountains and vast ancient forests still provide sanctuary for some of Europe's most charismatic animals - wolves, bears and lynx. History, folklore and nature create a very special blend of wild magic in Transylvania. Storks, a symbol of good luck and fertility, nest in medieval village farms. Bats, winged creatures of the night, hunt and shelter in a 500-year old church.

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Attenborough's life journey / Atlantic Productions
As Sir David Attenborough enters his 98th year, this unique and charming film documents the highlights of his incredible life. Follow Attenborough's journey from his boyhood days as a fossil hunter, through his early days as a host on Zoo Quest, to his programs using pioneering technology of the day such as 3D.

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My name is Alfred Hitchcock / Cohen Media Group

A century after Alfred Hitchcock's first film, he remains one of the most influential filmmakers in the history of cinema. But how does his vast body of work and legacy hold up in today's society? Mark Cousins, the award-winning filmmaker behind The Story of Film: An Odyssey, The Eyes of Orson Welles, and The Storms of Jeremy Thomas, tackles this question and looks at the auteur with a new and radical approach: through the use of his own voice. As Hitchcock rewatches his films, we are taken on an odyssey through his vast career his vivid silent films, the legendary films of the 1950s and 60s and his later works in playful and revealing ways.