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The blocksize war / Bier, Jonathan
Blocksize war :
"This book covers Bitcoin's blocksize war, which was waged from August 2015 to November 2017. On the surface the battle was about the amount of data allowed in each Bitcoin block, however it exposed much deeper issues, such as who controls Bitcoin's protocol rules. It is not possible to cover every twist and turn in the labyrinthine conflict or all the arguments, but I have provided a chronology of the most significant events. This book explores some of the major characters in the conflict and includes coverage, from both the front lines and behind the scenes, during some of the most acute phases of the struggle. The account in this book includes discussions with the key players from both sides during the war, exploring their motivations, strategy and thought processes as the exhausting campaign progressed and developed"--

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The family bank : the key to generational wealth : how to combat privilege and promote accountability with your family and others / Nebeker, John H.
Key to generational wealth :
For most people, qualifying for a loan isn't a very pleasant experience: banks and financial institutions demand your highly sensitive information but may not know you or your values. Your family members and loved ones, on the other hand, care deeply about you and have a personal interest in your success. What if they were able to provide you with the financing you needed, and at a fraction of the interest other financial institutions would charge? And what if there were proper boundaries to prevent money from hurting your relationships and instead actually strengthen them? Learn how some of the wealthiest families in history have prepared and ensured the financial success of their descendants for hundreds of years through The Family Bank. Its principles and practices are scalable to any amount of wealth and any family, and you can leave the same legacy.

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The four pillars of investing : lessons for building a winning portfolio / Bernstein, William J.
This new edition of the bestselling guide brings sophisticated investors-including institutional and individual investors, investment bankers, and those who want to follow in the footsteps of legends like John Bogle -- up to date on ETFs, risk management, neuropsychological investing concepts, and more.

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The new rules of money : a playbook for planning your financial future / Carpenter, Julia
Playbook for planning your financial future
"The personal-finance playbook followed by past generations doesn't add up in today's world. In a market where buying a first home can feel out of reach thanks to sky-high housing prices and mortgage rates and investing seem so complicated, it's time for some new money rules! WSJ personal finance reporters Bourree Lam and Julia Carpenter help you start where you are. Whether you're just getting ready to start paying back student loans or you're well into saving for retirement (but not sure if you're saving enough), The New Rules of Money's worksheets, check lists, quizzes, and other interactive learning tools will help you gain clarity on what you're spending your money on and why you want to save, so you can (finally!) reach your financial goals"--

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The stoic path to wealth : ancient wisdom for enduring prosperity / Foroux, Darius
"From investor and popular newsletter writer with 100k+ subscribers Darius Foroux comes an approach to building wealth that applies ancient wisdom to the chaos of modern-day markets The Stoics understood that if you can control your reactions and manage your emotions, you can achieve success. The same principles apply to our financial lives today. The greatest investors approach the markets with discipline, emotional distance, and self-mastery -- lessons that the Stoics have been teaching us for thousands of years. Combining ancient wisdom with practical investment strategies drawn from analysis of the greatest investors of all time, The Stoic Path to Wealth will teach you how to: cultivate an investing edge by managing your emotions and developing your unique skills and talents; develop the discipline to ignore short-term market fluctuations and avoid living in the future; foster a mindset that allows you to enjoy what you have and avoid greed; create a sustainable approach to trading. As financial markets become increasingly unpredictable and chaotic, The Stoic Path to Wealth offers the key to weathering any economic storm while building wealth that will last a lifetime and beyond"--

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The total money makeover : a proven plan for financial peace / Ramsey, Dave
Total money make-over
This new edition of The Total Money Makeover includes new content that will help you tackle marriage conflict, college debt, and so much more ... With The Total Money Makeover, you'll be able to design a sure-fire plan for paying off all debt -- from cars to houses and everything in between -- recognize the 10 most dangerous money myths, and secure a big, fast nest egg for emergencies and retirement.

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The trading game : a confession / Stevenson, Gary
Ever since he was a kid, kicking broken soccer balls on the run-down streets of East London, Gary Stevenson dreamed of something bigger. As luck would have it, he was good at numbers. At the London School of Economics, wearing tracksuits and sneakers, Stevenson shocked his posh classmates by winning a competition called "The Trading Game." The prize?: a golden ticket to a new life, as the youngest trader at Citibank. A place where you could make more money than you'd ever imagined. Where your colleagues are dysfunctional geniuses and insecure bullies yet start to feel like family. Where against the odds you become the bank's most profitable trader, closing deals worth nearly a trillion dollars. A day. Soon you are dreaming of numbers in your sleep--and then you stop sleeping at all. But what happens when winning starts to feel like losing? You're making a killing betting on millions of people becoming poorer--like the very people you grew up with. The economy is slipping off a precipice, and your own sanity starts slipping with it. You want to stop, but you can't. Because nobody ever leaves. Would you stick, or quit? Even if it meant risking everything?

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The wealth decision : 10 simple steps to achieve financial freedom and build generational wealth / Broadway, Dominique.
Ten simple steps to achieve financial freedom and build generational wealth
Written for millennials and Gen Zers in mind, this unique roadmap for taking control of your finances and becoming a millionaire is based on simple steps and small decisions, building upon each other, that anyone can execute to live a life of wealth and financial freedom.

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The woke salaryman crash course on capitalism & money : lessons from the world's most expensive city / Goh, Wei Choon
Woke salaryman crash course on capitalism and money
"The Woke Salaryman melds personal finance, economics, sociology and psychology to create a book that simply and succinctly explains money and capitalism. It's an antidote to rising discontentment and frustration about the society we live in, without being populist or pandering to the eat the rich ideology so commonly found on social media. The book will feature a collection of comics by The Woke Salaryman, including some of the most resonant comics they have done plus new ones that haven't yet been published. The comics will be accompanied by commentaries on the themes/topic the story will discuss. The commentaries will range from authors' notes, commentary on how their online readers reacted to the piece and what they take from it, to things such as further reading/references on the topic"--

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What went wrong with capitalism / Sharma, Ruchir
"A century of expanding government has distorted financial markets, stoked massive inequality, and soaked America in debt. Capitalism didn't fail, it was ruined ... What went wrong with capitalism? Ruchir Sharma's account is not like any you will have heard before. He says progressives are right, in part, when they mock modern capitalism as 'socialism for the rich.' For a century, governments have expanded in just about every measurable dimension, from spending to regulation and the scale of financial rescues when the economy wobbles. The result is expensive state guarantees for everyone -- bailouts for the rich, entitlements for the middle class, welfare for the poor. Taking you back to the 19th century, Sharma shows how completely the reflexes of government have changed: from hands-off to hands-on, from doing too little to help anyone in hard times to today trying to prevent anyone suffering any economic pain, ever. Trading sins of omission and indifference for excesses of spending and meddling, governments from the United States to Europe and Japan have pumped so much money into their economies that financial markets can no longer invest all that capital efficiently. Inadvertently, they have fueled the rise of monopolies, 'zombie' firms, and billionaires. They have made capitalism less fair and less efficient, which is slowing economic growth and fueling popular anger. The first step to a cure is a correct diagnosis of the problem. Capitalism has been badly distorted by constant government intervention and the relentless spread of a bailout culture. Building an even bigger state will only double down on what ruined capitalism in the first place"--

Self-serve standard products available on the Statistics Canada website ― including CANSIM and census data products ― are now free of charge. This is an open resource for everyone and not VPL-subscribed.

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Provides access to specialized reference sources in various subjects: arts, business, education, history, medicine, religion, science, social science, technology, etc.

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Scott’s Canadian Business Directory lists Canadian manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, sales agents and business services providers. This information is updated annually.

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LinkedIn Learning (previously called Lynda.com) gives users free access to thousands of video tutorial courses with a focus on such areas as technology, software development, business skills, project management as well as creative skills like animation and video editing. The courses are taught by recognized industry experts who will guide you along in learning the skills you need for your personal and professional development.

For security and privacy purposes, access to LinkedIn Learning with your library card cannot connect with your personal LinkedIn account. Any achieved course certifications will not feature your name as a result.

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Find accurate phone-verified information on every company in Canada in this database of 1.9 million businesses. Additionally their files are processed monthly against the National Change of Address Program.

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Research 11 million Canadian households with the largest database available. Records are 100% publicly sourced to comply with Canadian privacy laws.

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