All posts by sekoia

About sekoia

Enjoying the journey in older adulthood and beyond.  |  Meet the team

Learning new things

It is now easier than ever to learn new things, and to learn from the best.   I just finished an Excel 2010 course through Universal Class.  Universal Class is a place where you can take online courses for free.  All you need is your library card.  Set up an account here.  Choose from hundreds of courses, receive feedback from a real live instructor, work your way through numbered modules, assignments and exams.  At the end receive a certificate of completion to frame and hang on your wall:

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Rolling around on balls makes you feel great – who knew?

indexI’ve been meaning to write about this book for a while, but haven’t been sure of what to say.  Maybe I’m a bit starstruck? It is written by a serious yogini, Jill Miller.  Her knowledge of human anatomy, injuries, dysfunctions, and rehab therapies is extensive.  Though she looks as if she has never tried to pick up a heavy kettle bell in her life (that isn’t her on the cover, with the impressive quads), she actually partners with one of the CrossFit world’s biggest names, Kelly Starrett, physiotherapist extraordinaire.  I like it when people in diverse fields team up and work together.  My interest is immediately piqued. Continue reading

Keep your brain nimble – learn a new language

We’re often admonished not to multitask.  We’re told it will produce sub optimal results, scatter our focus and probably leave a trail of unfinished items on our ‘to do’ lists.  Ah yes, sound familiar?  But what about those times when you do only ONE task, and that ONE task produces multiple, awesome results!  OK, so we may be slightly challenged to think up one of these examples, but here is one….

I’ve been on a quest to find something that will work my brain in the same kind of way the gym works out my body.  My mother regularly worked on the hardest crossword puzzles she could find, and I’ve tried that route,  but have decided crosswords are not my thing (the fact I have no skills in that area might have something to do with it).   Continue reading