Learning new things

It is now easier than ever to learn new things, and to learn from the best.   I just finished an Excel 2010 course through Universal Class.  Universal Class is a place where you can take online courses for free.  All you need is your library card.  Set up an account here.  Choose from hundreds of courses, receive feedback from a real live instructor, work your way through numbered modules, assignments and exams.  At the end receive a certificate of completion to frame and hang on your wall:

3UntitledBesides wanting to learn how to crochet, sing (better), play piano and make garden gnomes (that last one was just a joke actually, though I do love garden gnomes), I am continuing my daily study of Spanish.  I have worked through the great library database Transparent Language where you can sign up and learn for free.  I am onto another website called Duolingo and am currently displaying as 50% fluent in Spanish!


Learning on this website is like a game – you have to grow your language tree by adding more branches and making sure all the branches stay strong with regular practice.  You earn bonus points if you keep up your daily streak, and can use the points to buy interesting extras.

Vaughan Public Libraries can link you to number of other resources where you can pursue your lifelong learning goals:




and many more…..  Come and let us help you find what you’re looking for.  The only thing you need is time……. er, sorry……we can’t help you with that small issue, but if we could,  you know we would!  See you at the library!