Deadpool: Marvel Goes ‘R’ Rated

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Full disclosure: I knew nothing about this Marvel character before this movie came out and probably would have had no interest except for one very enthusiastic colleague.  I have watched several Marvel movies in the Avengers storyline, but Deadpool is a total departure from that.  It is profane, sexual, extremely violent, and very, very funny.  Apologies to Tony Stark, but in a battle of quips between him and Deadpool, Iron Man loses.  It’s not even close.

Wade Wilson, played by Ryan Reynolds, is living his perfect life as a street-level mercenary/vigilante, with his extremely hot girlfriend Vanessa, played by Morena Baccarin.  Things come crashing when he is diagnosed with multiple advanced cancers.  Desperate to find a cure, he turns to a shady organization and gets far more than he bargained for.  While he is cured beyond all expectations, he is also badly disfigured.  Ashamed of his appearance, he avoids further contact with Vanessa while hunting down the man he believes can reverse his disfigurement.

From opening sequence to post-credit teaser, this movie excels.  Highly recommended for Marvel fans who like their characters a little saltier.

About David

I have been with VPL since January, 2002 and have spent the bulk of my time as an Adult Services Librarian at Ansley Grove Library. I enjoy non-fiction books and documentaries on a wide variety of topics. My preferred format is audiobook for my daily commute.  |  Meet the team

One thought on “Deadpool: Marvel Goes ‘R’ Rated

  1. One of the funniest movies I have seen in a while! Ryan Reynolds does such an amazing job in this role. I agree with you, this one is a must see!

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