Tag Archives: fame

Scrappy, Little Nobody by Anna Kendrick

Cover of BookI was so excited when Scrappy, Little Nobody came for me! I started reading it right away and could not put it down! In the beginning, I didn’t know what to expect since Anna Kendrick doesn’t often reveal much about her personal life in her interviews. However, she tells countless stories in this book that are so vivid and detailed. Sometimes, I wondered how she could remember all of what has happened to her, but then, I realized that she’s lived through such exciting and thrilling experiences that could not be forgotten!

What I truly appreciated from reading this book is that Anna was completely honest and direct from beginning to end. I learned that although Anna is a famous and talented actress now, she doesn’t let the fame get to her. She doesn’t want to feel entitled, and will always feel uncomfortable about her appearance, home, and money. She not only explains her struggles as an actress, but even while she was not cast in productions. She expresses her sincere thoughts and feelings, especially when talking about her family, boyfriends, and roommates. Telling stories about these people in her life and some of the experiences she went through reminds me that she has ups and downs like anyone else.

So, you want to know more about Anna’s life? Read her book! If you’re like me, you will admire Anna Kendrick even more, which I didn’t even know was possible!