Down-to-Read with Daniela: Oogy: The Dog Only a Family Could Love by Larry Levin

Age Group:

Non-Fiction, American, Animal Welfare

Oogy, a pitbull look-alike, finds himself in a frightening situation when his face is severly damaged after being used as bait for fighting dogs. Oogy’s future looks bleak– until he finds the right family to rescue him. Despite all the trauma he endures, Oogy loves his life and he especially loves people. In this new family, Oogy has the chance to start over and prove to the world that fighting dogs aren’t the killers they’re made out to be.

Watch Oogy on Oprah: watch?v=y8C2yP8X0oM

My Thoughts:
Oogy’s story is not particularly unique, but it is very heartwarming. Oogy is a dog who beat the odds, survived horrendous abuse and lived to “tell” the tale. Larry Levin, the author and owner of Oogy, is an incredibly likeable character himself, whose profound love and compassion for Oogy truly transcends human and animal relationships. Levin’s two sons, who are themselves adopted, find a kindred companion in Oogy.

Borrow Oogy: The dog only a family could love from your local Vaughan library today!

Do you love stories that celebrate the power of the animal spirit? Try these other great books. I’ve read them all and enjoyed each one:

1. Dewey: The Small Town Library Cat Who Touched the World : Heartwarming, and not just because I’m a librarian!

2. The Dog Who Rescues Cats: The True Story of Ginny : Combine your love of dogs and cats in this inspiring true story.

3. Elizabeth Taylor’s Nibbles and Me : A great choice for kids who love animals of all shapes and sizes.

Have you read any of these books? Do you have any other animal stories to recommend. Please share your thoughts smile face