Daniela’s Summer of Non-Fiction

cover image The Sixth Extinction: an unnatural history (Kolbert, Elizabeth)
Elizabeth Kolbert won this year’s Pulitzer Prize winner in general non-fiction for her book The Sixth Extinction: an unnatural history – a captivating account of the irrevocable chain of events spurned by modern humans, leading earth to its next inevitable extinction.

This book sounds like a depressing summer read, but I can promise you, it is more than just a cautionary tale. It is a painstakingly researched, revelatory book that delves deep into anthropology, science and the modern world in a way that is incredibly fascinating.

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The Bitch In Your Head: how to finally squash your inner critic (Plumez, Jacqueline Horner)
Bet that title caught your attention? It caught mine, that’s for sure! And quite honestly, why not call a spade a spade? Although I’m just starting to read this one, it seems like an insightful and practical how-to book with useful exercises and strategies for dealing with that naggy voice that plagues your inner thoughts. Can’t wait to dive in and make some positive changes!

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The Power of Habit: why we do what we do in life and business 
(Duhigg, Charles)
Here’s a startling statistic to get you thinking: about 40% of everything you do is out of habit.

Recommended to me by a friend, The Power of Habit delves into the reasons we do the things we do. And the science behind how we make reforms. While I’m not about to sacrifice late night popcorn binges or sleeping in those extra few minutes, I am willing to re-evaluate the things I do and why I do them!

cover imageSex at Dawn: the prehistoric origins of modern sexuality
(Ryan, Christopher)
While the topic is one that arguably sells itself, the book is a deeper investigation of social norms and religious doctrine that dictate the conventions of modern sexuality. It is sure to make you question everything you think you know about sex, marriage, monogamy and family. As a somewhat progressive thinker myself, I’m keeping an open mind as I delve into this provocative read.

All these titles (and more!) can be borrowed from your local Vaughan Library.  Check out out downloads and digital for more great non-fiction selections.