Pamela’s Picks: Children’s Books For Grownups – Harriet The Hamster Series


My new favorite heroine is a hamster! Harriet the hamster, to be precious, princess, knight and all around rescuer in the series by Ursula Vernon. It’s been a long time that I rushed through a whole series to find out what happened next but that’s what happened with this series. The books are like a combination book/graphic novel and star Harriet, a twelve year old princess hamster, who circumvents all the typical princess stereotypes of her world and doesn’t wait to be rescued by a prince but rescues herself and others. Each book is a take off on a different fairy tale with Harriet as the plucky star helping dancing princesses, Ratpunzel, Whiskerella and others in distress (with her friend Prince Wilbur and her pet quail Mumfrey going along for the ride). Make friends with Harriet – you’ll be glad you did!

About Pamela

Pamela is an Information Assistant at Vaughan Public Libraries. She loves reading all kinds of books including fantasy, historical fiction, mysteries and non-fiction.  |  Meet the team