3.1 CutStudio Setup
- Open the Cutting Setup window (File> Cutting Setup). Here you can adjust your digital workspace to match your loaded material.
- Printer:
- From the dropdown menu, select ‘Roland GS-24 (Copy 1)’ [on some Make It laptops, it may be only ‘Roland GS-24’]. If printer name does not appear. Check to mase sure the USB chord from the cutter is connected.
- Media Size (Tip):
- Select Change. In the new window that pops up, select ‘Get from machine’ to use the measurements taken when you loaded your material and/or enter in the correct values of your Cutting Area here.
- Click OK to accept and return to ‘Cut Setting’ window.
- Cutting Conditions (Tip):
- To set your cutting speed and cutting force using the software, make sure the ‘Use cutting conditions of machine’ checkbox is unselected. Enter the details here.
- Click Okay at the bottom of the Cut Setting window to accept all changes.
Media Size – If you selected Roll or Edge as your material, enter the correct length here.
Cut Conditions – If your design includes perforated lines, repeat this step for the section below.
3.2 Designing in CutStudio
- Use the object toolbar on the left side of the screen to start designing in CutStudio.
- Use the ribbon at the top and docking panel on the right to change the properties of your objects.
3.3 Importing into CutStudio
- Select ‘Import’ from the menu bar to bring your design into the CutStudio workspace. The image below indicates which file types are accepted. (Tip for importing SVG files.)
- Once the design is imported, right click on the object and select ‘Image Outline’ to open the Image Outline tool. Click ‘Extract Contour Lines’ and ‘Okay’ to continue.
- Delete the original image and continue editing your outline as desired.
Importing – CutStudio does not accept SVG files directly. As an alternative, you can open an SVG file in Inkscape and use the ‘Roland Cutstudio Extension’ to export your image. This option is available on the Make It Laptop connected to the Roland.
3.4 Cutting
- Select File> Cut or click on the Cutting icon on the top of the page to send the design to the Roland.
- Use ‘Overlap Cutting’If you would like the Roland to make additional passes through your design. For example, if you want the blade to trace your design a total of 3 times, set the overlap to 2.
- Click ‘Change’ if you want to make any adjustments to your Cut Settings (see page 6).
- Click ‘Ok’ to start the machine.