Booking 3D Printing at PBRL

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Select from the options below to request a booking for any of our maker spaces and services. Requirements include a valid Library Card and completion of the Customer Agreement Form. After submitting the form, staff will review the request and send you a confirmation email.

3D Printing

Pierre Berton Resource Library


Fees - $0.25/gram

To use the 3D Printer:

  • Complete the Customer Agreement Form.
  • Become 3D Certified by taking VPL’s online 3D Certification Course
  • Fill out the Booking Form at the bottom of this page.
  • Read the rules and guidelines below:
    • Bookings must be made with a valid Vaughan Public Libraries card in good standing.
    • There is a maximum of 3 bookings a week for each account and space.
    • Bookings must be made at least 3 days in advance.
    • 3D Print jobs run for a maximum of 7 hours Mondays – Thursdays and 3 hours Fridays – Sundays.
    • 3D Printing Customers must arrive for their booking with a ready to print .STL or .obj file.
    • 3D Printers and 3D Scanners are reserved for customers 13+.
    • All customers must complete their first print with a staff member.
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Partially booked



You can upload the file (STL or OBJ) (Max size: 5MB). If you encounter issues, please email

5%10%20% (recommended)40%60%

Fast (0.2)normal (0.15)fine (0.1)

After submitting this form please wait for a confirmation email from our staff to complete the booking. This may take up to 3 business days and it is recommended you check both your inbox and junk mail folder.

The personal information collected from you on this form will only be used for the purpose of making the bookings. Your personal information will not be shared with outside organizations, except as indicated in the Privacy Statement.