Tag Archives: Video Games

Secret Santa Part III: Ho Ho Ho and a Pile of Books


Happy (almost) holidays, readers! There’s just about one week proper to go until family, feasting, and much-needed vacation time (or one of the three) and I, for one, can’t wait. Plus, there’s only one week left in our HOTS month of library-themed gifting and though we’re slowing down, there are still two more people on our team who made the Nice List this year.

I should preface this by saying I have a few different approaches when it comes to gift-giving. One: the thoughtful and thoroughly researched method. Two: the direct technique of “just ask”. And three (and sometimes my favorite): given because it’s just funny, in a very tongue-in-cheek way.    

With that little PSA out of the way, seeing as the number of yet to be revealed Secret Santas is dwindling, it might come as no surprise that as fate would have it the name I pulled out of our festive hat was Adam’s. I promise that there will be no weather-related arguments below. Instead, I’ve gone through my favorite Adam-authored posts and done some sneaky (or not so sneaky) conversational reconnaissance behind the scenes to gather a list of books, shows, and video games that he may enjoy.  So come with me as we get particularly niche and geeky as I share some recommendations that hopefully tickle his funny bone and/or fall in line with his specific brand of Nerd.  

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Something New for Spooky Season


For the keen-eyed, you may have noticed a trend when it comes to my reading recommendations. I am a huge lover of (most things) horror, and Spooky Season (aka October) manages to bypass my usual hatred of anything distinctly Not Summer. But while vampires and ghosts and werewolves (oh my!) are all well and good, there’s one aspect of the horror genre that often gets overlooked when the leaves start changing color and the pumpkins come out.

Have you ever wondered about what things lie just beyond the outer rim of our collective knowledge, in the places we’ve never explored? Have you ever wondered if the things that live there ever wonder about us? Have you ever wondered if they’re interested in looking for us and messing around in our insignificant affairs? Cue my favorite kind of chilling scare: existential terror, eldritch and cosmic horror flavored. It basically boils down to this thing is here, you will never be able to know why it does what it does, be worried about it. Eldritch and cosmic horror finds its roots in the unknowable, the fathomless, and the incomprehensible, but oddly enough, it’s the type of horror that really makes you think and, at least in my opinion, is the most human and introspective. Horror, most of the time, is something that is grounded in metaphor (you only need to look at the close connection the LGBTQ+ community assigns to werewolves to get a sense of it) and can often reveal the things we’d rather not talk about. But when you’re feeling small and so very out of your depth, you can really get into the meaty truths of being a person and the strange world we live in. Plus, fear in media and literature has always been an exercise in empathy. Things won’t be scary unless you can actually feel for the character and their story.   

Granted, eldritch and cosmic horror isn’t without faults being tied so closely to the works of H.P. Lovecraft (you can read up on it in this great CBC interview that briefly covers the history of the genre and how his works are being referenced in the current day). Still, there are tons of new voices changing and adding to the mythos that make it a welcoming (but still a very scary) place for all. If you want to read up on your modern eldritch and cosmic horror history, check out Jeff VanderMeer’s Southern Reach trilogy, which had a large hand in its resurgence, along with some other nods to it from the film world including Alien, Watchmen, and more. 

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Bringing the Outside In With Farming Sims


If you’ve read any of my previous posts, you may already know of my hateship with Canadian Winter (which I may or may not have just typed with a giant stink face, it’s up to your imagination). The moment it starts getting somewhere below the 18-degree mark or mid-September rolls around, I start preparing for hibernation like I’m a small, grumpy woodland bear. Part of that is bringing out the winter wardrobe way too early. The other is an attempt to get the most out of reasonably livable weather any way I can, whether it’s going on a run, a much less intense walk, or sitting outside and cursing the sun for deigning to set before 6 PM (which it always inevitably does). When all else fails, as it never fails to do, I lumber my grumbly self inside and hunker down with the only way I can bring the outside in during the long, cold, grey months of winter (my beloathed): farming simulators.

If you’re not familiar with what I mean by farming simulators, let me give you the rundown. These video games are pretty much what they say on the tin: they’re (for the most part) an easy, go-at-your-own-pace experience where you design, manage, and care for your own little plot of farmland (plus a few adorably round and chunky animal friends). They’ve existed since the 90s and have had multiple takes on the genre, with their own niche mechanics and new additions. For the beginner or less intense gamer they’re great hours of fun, and if you hate the outdoors come mid-fall like me, they’re perfect. They’re characteristically colorful (unless you’re playing one of the more gothic takes like Graveyard Keeper) which means you get to completely ignore the lovely array of browns and greys outside your window while you game. Plus, many of the newer iterations of farming sims have a multiplayer function, so you don’t even need to brave the cold to hang out with your friends (and that’s a win in my book). Farming simulators are all the rage in the independent gaming sphere too, so if you want to support a small, start-up gaming developer look no further than games like Coral Island, Dinkum, or PuffPals Island Skies (which I’m looking forward to simply for the frog named Bean).

Since there are so many choices to choose from and only so much gaming time (unless you’re an indoorswoman like me), let me give you some of my top picks that you can pick up here at the library.

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