Tag Archives: tea

War of the Weathers: A Short Guide to Surviving Winter Inside


Gear up, everyone. I’m getting on my (probably second, it’s chilly out) pair of dueling mittens. Who knew you could turn something as mundane as tangentially related weather talk into a full-scale blog battle? Granted, I could have left my colleague Adam’s autumn defense post well enough alone and I’ve already made enough of an internet footprint on my thoughts on the cold months and their “joys”. But I submit to the court (of public opinion): where’s the fun in that? Therefore, I will not take this kind of (very fun and politely worded) slander sitting down or bundled up in too many sweaters.

Here I am, bravely waving the flag of the anti-winter camp in this Weather War. Again. Granted, I don’t mind being an army of one (my blanket burrito only has occupancy for one anyway), but in case I’m not the only person out there who refuses to step outside once I see white on the ground, I’ve put together a little survival guide full of library goodies to help you make sure you can be a winter hermit, grump, or Grinch to the fullest.

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