Tag Archives: Sumayyah's Pick

Trilogies! Because Good Things Come in Threes

Photo by Alex Litvin on Unsplash

It’s that time of year again; autumn is on its way, there’s frost in the mornings but summer can still be felt at noon, and it’s practically sweater weather in the evenings…and I am feeling just a little bit burnt out. Which is terrible timing; as everyone goes back to school and library programming ramps up, I need to be energized! I need to be on top of so many things!

But there’s no fighting reality, so when I feel burnt out, I do what I always do: I hole up with my comfort films, which never fail to soothe and rejuvenate me after a long few days.

And something that I’ve noticed is that a lot of my favourite films are trilogies (or should have been trilogies, and I dismiss any sequels past the third with extreme prejudice).

So let’s talk trilogies!

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HOTS Farewell to 2022: A Year in Review

It’s time to ring in a new year1 and say goodbye to the old! As I have the honour2 of writing the final Hot Off the Shelf post of 2022, I thought it’d be nice to have all the HOTS writers share their top three reads for the year. Or, to be more accurate: their top two reads for the year and then an open category for the 3rd, so long as it’s available at VPL. One of us chose a book, two chose albums, and one chose a game3. We also have a special Editor’s Choice category from our lead, Heather.

To make this more interesting than a simple list of items4 I followed up my colleagues’ choices with some questions, the answers to which you’ll find below. Like an answer, but want some follow-up? Ask in the comments! We’re all going to be monitoring this.

Along with each writer’s choices and answers to the questions, you’ll be getting my first thoughts on seeing/researching each title to help inform where my questions came from5.

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November Nostalgia & Movie Marathons

I don’t know what it is about November, but for me it’s a very nostalgic month. Something about the cold and snow sweeping in on the heels of a vibrant autumn, the enveloping gloom, the time change, and the burgeoning anticipation of the holiday season all conspires to make me want nothing more than to be cozy and re-watch all my favourite action/adventure movies.

I’m not sure why action/adventure is specifically the genre I go for. Maybe to counteract the urge to hibernate? While the natural world slows down and beds down, we as a society keep grinding, and so I suppose I seek out some fun and adrenaline to revitalize me in this nippy, busy time without…actually exhausting myself by doing more*.

*Fittingly, a lot of these movies take place in warm, sunny tropical or desert climes, so it only makes sense that I want to watch them when everything’s grey and freezing outside.

If there’s one uniting thread to experiencing winter around the world (for those who have winter, anyway), it’s that it’s a time of story telling. After all, what better way is there to pass the long cold nights than to gather with friends, family, and community and entertain ourselves?

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