Tag Archives: book recommendations

New Year, Improved Me!

Photo by Single.Earth on Unsplash

I’ll be honest folks; I’m tired. I miss the sun and being warm and am very much in need of a vacation. So this is gonna be a relaxed post featuring, unsurprisingly, resolutions. This year, I’m taking it easy with my aspirations. I’m making my goals small, simple, and (hopefully) achievable. Also, crucially, my list of resolutions is short. I’m not looking to revamp my whole self within a measly 12 months, but I am looking to build further on who I already am and improve my habits.

Which, coincidentally, is quite similar to what we’ve done with our reading challenge! The broad strokes are the same—read a certain type of book a month—but the prompts are different and, most excitingly, we are now offering a prize!

That’s right, if you take on the challenge and submit the log by email or in-person, you’ll be entered into the Grand Prize Draw: your choice of a private cooking session at VMC in the VSES Teaching Kitchen, or a guided maker session with one of our Creation Specialists at Pierre Berton Resource Library or Civic Centre Resource Library!

And actually, that ties into resolution #1: to read 12 books this year.

The twist is, they have to be books I own. Why? Because my personal library is 90% books I’ve never gotten around to reading. (Disclaimer: I got most of them for free, so I don’t feel too guilty about it.) And I do want to read them, but because I own them, there’s no sense of urgency to actually do so. Nobody’s waiting to borrow them and there are no due dates. Therefore, I’ve put it off and put it off. So here are three books I own that I’d like to read in 2025!

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Secret Santa Part III: Ho Ho Ho and a Pile of Books


Happy (almost) holidays, readers! There’s just about one week proper to go until family, feasting, and much-needed vacation time (or one of the three) and I, for one, can’t wait. Plus, there’s only one week left in our HOTS month of library-themed gifting and though we’re slowing down, there are still two more people on our team who made the Nice List this year.

I should preface this by saying I have a few different approaches when it comes to gift-giving. One: the thoughtful and thoroughly researched method. Two: the direct technique of “just ask”. And three (and sometimes my favorite): given because it’s just funny, in a very tongue-in-cheek way.    

With that little PSA out of the way, seeing as the number of yet to be revealed Secret Santas is dwindling, it might come as no surprise that as fate would have it the name I pulled out of our festive hat was Adam’s. I promise that there will be no weather-related arguments below. Instead, I’ve gone through my favorite Adam-authored posts and done some sneaky (or not so sneaky) conversational reconnaissance behind the scenes to gather a list of books, shows, and video games that he may enjoy.  So come with me as we get particularly niche and geeky as I share some recommendations that hopefully tickle his funny bone and/or fall in line with his specific brand of Nerd.  

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‘Tis the Season for Gift Giving – A Secret Santa Shelf Pick

Happy December, happy holidays, and happy last month of 2024! (As delightfully kooky youtuber Jenna Marbles once said, this year felt both short and terribly and insufferably long at the same time.)

My fellow HOTS writers and I thought we’d switch things up a little this month. In the spirit of gift giving and shelf picks—which is a personalized reading recommendation service where library staff introduce you to titles based on your preferences—we thought we’d do a sort of Secret Santa exchange of recommendations.

And thus, this post is dedicated to Claire and what I think (and hope!) she might like to read and watch, in the event she hasn’t yet. I gotta confess, this was a nerve-wracking test of how familiar I am with Claire’s taste and preferences.

Aiming to not give a gift that sucks, I revisited some of Claire’s posts and took literal and actual notes, by hand, in a notebook, to then do research with. I’m hoping that paid off! I’m also hoping you—dear reader—will find this list of recommendations to be a gift as well (pun fully intended).

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