We’re often admonished not to multitask. We’re told it will produce sub optimal results, scatter our focus and probably leave a trail of unfinished items on our ‘to do’ lists. Ah yes, sound familiar? But what about those times when you do only ONE task, and that ONE task produces multiple, awesome results! OK, so we may be slightly challenged to think up one of these examples, but here is one….
I’ve been on a quest to find something that will work my brain in the same kind of way the gym works out my body. My mother regularly worked on the hardest crossword puzzles she could find, and I’ve tried that route, but have decided crosswords are not my thing (the fact I have no skills in that area might have something to do with it). I do like puzzle books. I’ve looked at a lot of good puzzle books, but the book format just isn’t doing it for me. For one thing, I can’t write down answers or problem solve in library books! For another thing, having to flip to the back of the book to look up or check answers is awkward. I’m developing a strong preference for the electronic book format. What I thought I wanted was a website that would email me one or two puzzles per day. I did find something like this but the cost of registering put me off. What to do?
Enter Transparent Language database! I’ve recently been given some responsibility for the Spanish collection in our library system, and I’ve been reminded of how poorly I remember the little Spanish I once had as a kid. Like many people, I’ve often regretted not becoming fluent in a second language. People who can seamlessly switch back and forth from one language to another have something I WANT. More specifically, I want it in SPANISH. I just love the sound of Spanish, what can I say? My brain still understands a fair amount of this language and it is time to capitalize on this state of affairs.
I decided that brushing up on my Spanish would give my brain the workout I was looking for, improve my ability to understand my Spanish collection, all while providing a rich interactive experience steeped in cultural refinement. Yes, the Transparent Language database can do all this and more, plus it is actually FUN to use ! Activities are short and you receive immediate feedback as you work your way through. There are a wide variety of different activities laid out in different formats, which keeps you on your toes. Listen, watch, read, sort, speak, write. Work through 4 or 5 activities and feel some sense of accomplishment. This is not the dreary language learning you remember from school. You can sign up to use this database with your library card and you can choose from over ninety languages.