The Light Between Oceans is a captivating historical fiction set in Australia during the first half of 1900. This book traces the life of a solitary lighthouse keeper Tom and his wife Isabel and the consequences that follows with one life changing decision they made. I was engrossed by this story because once I got into each character’s head, I want to know what they will do next. It was also devastating seeing good people making bad decisions and I cannot do anything about it. It is a book that makes you wonder: what would I do in this situation and what would happen if the characters made different decisions. It was a journey to come to term with loss and grief, and to see that sometimes there’s no right answer. With romance, mystery, and moral debate all in one,this book would also be a good book club read.
The Light Between Oceans was also made into a film two years ago with Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikandar. I watched the movie after reading the book. Like many books turned into movies, important details were left out but it still made me tear up. However, for someone who is unfamiliar with the plot, the narrative might seems disconnect. On the other hand, the cinematography of this film was beautiful and it captures the breathtaking landscape of Australia and New Zealand.
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