Tag Archives: crafts

Me-Made May 2017

MMM2017If you do just about any amount of crafting and you are aware of the internet, you might have heard of Me-Made May, which was started a number of years back by a sewing blogger. If you haven’t heard about it yet, this year’s your chance to take part!

So what is MMM?

It’s a month that is dedicated to encouraging you to wear the items you’ve made – whether you sew, knit, crochet, quilt, or anything else – so that you love and treasure these items while also putting them to use. (As opposed to leaving them forever in a pristine pile for photography purposes, or out of fear that you’ll ruin the item somehow by wearing it.) You spent the time and effort making your clothes: you should wear them with pride! It’s not really about making new clothing, but rather about appreciating and celebrating the things you’ve made and are making, and the entire process. You’re free to make new clothing and accessories this month, and you’re also free to not – no pressure, whatever you choose to do! The most important thing is to have fun!

You decide your own commitment levels, so if you want to try to incorporate one item that you’ve sewn/knit/made into your outfit every week, that’s perfectly ok. And if you want to wear 100% handmade every day, all month long, that’s totally ok too!

Best of all, it’s open to any and everyone, of all ages and experience levels! See below for a couple of items from a selection of crafts to help you get started (or to give you some inspiration) for this month! Continue reading